
Not sure what you can claim?

Want to appeal against a decision to stop or reduce your money?

We can help.

Call us on 0808 2 78 78 78
Send us your query using our online form
Use our online self-help guides

Our telephone services are open Monday – Friday 9am – 5pm.

Please have as much information available as you can when you get in touch – for example, letters from the DWP and your National Insurance number.

Are you a pensioner? Do you want to know more about the changes to Pension Credit or the Winter Fuel Allowance?

If you are over state pension age and on a low income you may be entitled to extra help with your living costs

You can check online to see if you are eligible and make a claim:  

If you need help you can phone us. We can do a check and explain how it works.

Call our helpline on 0800 448 0721 (Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm)


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